~what are agents really looking for?
Check out this post by Veronica Roth over at GotYA on agent responses to queries at the Backspace Writers Conference.
Check out this post by Veronica Roth over at GotYA on agent responses to queries at the Backspace Writers Conference.
Don’t you love it when a special character in a story refuses to leave your thoughts, even after the story is done? I recently met one named Weyland in a short story titled “Unicorn Tapestry” by Suzy McKee Charnas. We get to know Weyland through his therapist, Floria as she […]
Fiction Groupie is holding an event called the “Let’s Talk” Blogfest. Participants sign up on her blog, then post a dialog excerpt from their WIP on their own blog. I heard about this from Chris (one of my friends from FSFW) and immediately thought, “I have the perfect scene. I […]