Yeah, it’s me.
Where have I been, you ask?
Walking the stone halls of Starhaven with Sullivan as he tries to regain control of the mess that he’s made of his life. He’s decided that he wants his story written, and written now.
The last thing you want to do with a rebellious teenager is to ignore him when he finally opens up and spills his guts to you.
And so I’ve been devoting every spare moment to writing his story, which meant that husband, friends, and blog all had to take a backseat for awhile.
But I can no longer afford to ignore any of them (especially my husband). And as I’m learning here at the San Francisco Writers Conference, I can’t afford to ignore my blog anymore, either.
Today has been incredible – and it’s only the first day! I’ve met new people and reconnected with old friends, listened to sage advice and cried at the words from inspirational speakers.
But the big buzz this year is about the state of the publishing industry, and how much it’s changed in the last twelve months. Borders’ bankruptcy declaration is but the tip of the iceberg as the publishing business restructures itself for the digital age.
It’s a new world out there folks, and, to borrow a line from renowned editor, Alan Rinzler, now may be the best time ever to be an author.
Yay, great to have you back–was starting to miss you! Looking forward to reading more about your SF Writers’ Conference! I’m going to my first ever one in a couple of weeks–super-excited!
Hi, J.C.!
Thanks for stopping by. Juggling a day job, writing, and maintaining a blog and other social media is one of the hardest parts of being a writer.
I’ll post a recap of my conference experiences in the next day or so, along with some of the other writing-related activities I’ve been doing.
Thanks for hanging in there with me.